Friday, October 2, 2009

choose your pov

To be an effective writer, you must know how to use different points of view and when to use each of them. In relation, points of view are important in writing your output under descriptive writing. You can't just assume that all the visitors who will be dropping by the Iloilo National High School are students and teachers. Children, the world is jam-packed with different people; so expect an unusual visitor before our alma mater's gate.

Take note that "point of view" is also called "perspective" or "angle".

Let's go to the lesson proper. I believe you guys are familiar with the types of point of view. Here is a review from

*Notes: (1) After reading this, you may discuss with your group what POV to use (you can use all if you think it could work out your map).
(2) I may or may not give a quiz on this next week, but definitely, this will be included in the second grading.

Types of Point of View

Objective Point of View
With the objective point of view, the writer tells what happens without stating more than can be inferred from the story's action and dialogue. The narrator never discloses anything about what the characters think or feel, remaining a detached observer.

Third Person Point of View
Here the narrator does not participate in the action of the story as one of the characters, but lets us know exactly how the characters feel. We learn about the characters through this outside voice. *The narrator uses pronouns like "he", "she", and "they."

Second Person Point of View
In second person point of view, the narrator tells the story to another character using "you," so that the story is being told through the addressee's point of view. Second person is the least commonly used POV in fiction.

First Person Point of View
In the first person point of view, the narrator does participate in the action of the story. When reading stories in the first person, we need to realize that what the narrator is recounting might not be the objective truth. We should question the trustworthiness of the accounting. *Because the narrator uses "I", this angle is also called the "I" point of view.

Omniscient and Limited Omniscient Points of View
A narrator who knows everything about all the characters is all knowing, or omniscient.

A narrator whose knowledge is limited to one character, either major or minor, has a limited omniscient point of view.

*Please read the comment page for more tips on the map project. Thanks!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Top 20 Blog Rules of EW! 4

Thank you for waiting! Here are the top 20 blog rules for Effective Writing 4:

* Actually, there are 21 blog rules in the list because two shared a spot. :D
* The following blogs are in random order.
* The authors of the said blogs will gain additional 20 points (the blog rule assignment is 30 points).
* Criteria for judging: Content (25%), Grammar & Diction (25%), Style (25%), and Organization (25%)
* The judging committee of three turned into two: that's Ms. Hazel P. Villa of the Philippine Daily Inquirer and me.
* Only excerpts of the blog rules are included under the blogsites. For the complete text, see the sites.
section 1. "Thou shall not lie"

"Liars go to hell." This saying may not be completely true just because God is a forgiving god. But why do bad things when you can avoid it in the first place. You don't want to be called a sinner, right? This rule is one of God's commandments. When you violate this rule, you violate God directly. God is our creator. We must give Him the highest respect.
Talk Wellness

Blog here, blog there, blog everywhere. People in every part of the world can see your blog entry. There is one thing I can tell you in making a blog entry, my friend. You should talk Wellness. Foresee what other may think about what you have written in your blog. Thou shalt not make a blog that can destroy a person's life. It will make you regret forever.
Blog Rules

We all know that blogs are online journals or diaries. And we also know that journals and diaries are used to express our true selves may it be privately or publicly. Because of this, I believe that in making a blog, we make our own rules as to express ourselves more. Isn't it supposed to be that way?
Anyway, for the purpose of this "blog rules" output, i have thought of the rules I have been using ever since I started blogging.
Blog Etiquettes: GMRC of the Blogosphere

The “blogosphere” is a term used to describe the online world of blogging. It is, therefore, another world where we humans interact with each other wherever, whenever we are, as long as an internet connection exists. Since blogosphere is another world, it has, like our real world, its own rules for blogging netizens (netizens=internet citizens).
Blog Rules

There are rules or tips to consider when writing a blog. These rules guides you to make a meaningful and good blog. About a million of rules must be considered but for me there is only one rule that generalizes and summarizes all rules. This rule that we must keep in mind when making a blog is: LOVE YOUR WORK AS IF IT IS YOUR OWN LIFE.
Blog Rules

Bonjour! You are now entering my blog site and I wo
uld like you to read some of the few rules you need to follow:(1) Be yourself!, (2) never write something unnecessary and (3) don't copy the works of others.
blog rules:))

The use of blasphemous or/and irreligious words is a big "NO". Words that affront the religious world are not allowed and one must not show disrespect to the pious leaders by his/her writings. Comments that are unethical and unacceptable to the public must not be observed by those who would like to share their opinion. The person who does not tag on this rule must face consequences and must be liable for the result of his/ her work.
pls. READ!!! mahrulez...

You can post any comment but be sure that it will not hurt me or other people.
This is the first and very important rule in my blog. Why? Because I don't want to have any conflict or misunderstanding.We live in a democratic country, there is what they called the freedom to say and express what we are thinking. It is ok with me, but make sure what you comment is more in positive side and it will not hurt me or the others. Don't ever post your comments with bad words.
my own BLOG RULE.

Blogging is a form of communication. Through it, you can express what you feel and tell the world what your mind thinks. But it won't help the world to understand what you feel if you abbreviate almost 50% of the words you type in your blog. What would you think if I typed 'rxn' instead of 'reaction'? Hard to understand it, right? For your information, the abbreviated word 'rxn' is usually used in the subject Chemistry, and not all people likes Chemistry or is specialized in this field.
RULE: Before posting a blog, one should proofread.

I think that this is self explanatory, but probably a lengthy explanation will be sufficient to help you understand the reason behind this rule. If you haven’t already figured it out, I think it’s safe to tell you that I re-read this post about three times before even beginning to save and publish it.
A Universal Blog rule to adhere and abide to...
When one tries to lie and fool one person... 'DONT' get caught.

Well the simple explanation to this rule would be, dont get caught. Suppose you wanted to try and steal or con a person into painting a huge fence with white wash, try not to give away your facade. Just when you think you've fooled them, don't let your guard down, keep at it until you've finished fooling them. Because if you get caught, it will be harder to fool that same person the same time around.

Professional or personal? What is really the reason why blogs exist? Are they made for the professional reasons of an individual or just for one’s own personal interest? Well neither of this is wrong but what is not suppose to happen is for an author of a blog site to use his or her account as a way to offend other people. The authors of blog sites must not use offensive, rude or destructive words against someone or something. This is a rule that can help maintain the respect and professionalism in such internet sites. It is also one way in order for us not to be able to promote human rights to its greatest extent. The Universal Blog Rule

Hey there fellow bloggers! We all know why we're here in 'blog world', but we're taking for granted the true colors of blogging. Blogging is great! We can say all we want (hurtful or not), because no one really knows us.
The Four Basic Rules in Blogging

Blog has rapidly gained in popularity. Blog usage spread during 1999 and the years following. In 2002 blogs have gained increasing notice for their role in breaking, shaping and spinning news stories and feature advertisements as a way of communication, a way to reflect on life or works of art and to share thoughts and feelings instantaneously with friends and family. It really has a great impact to the world of net nowadays due to its valuable and dynamic purpose.

My Blog Rule

"This is my blog. I write what I feel, suppose, and consider as long as there is no insulting involve."

This is mine, this is my hybrid diary and guide. I can convey my personal thoughts and opinions in here. It's my choice to whatever I want to put. I can write my personal life or to what I feel about the things I see. It’s my outlook, It’s my option!
BLOG RULE # 1: Total FREEDOM; anything and everything.
If we were to make one blog rule for our sites, I'd suggest freedom. No formats, no nothing. No rules to follow, just write anything you want. Express anything up to any extent. You can cuss if you want. HAHA. (but i don't think ma'am adelle would tolerate that. :D) We can use pictures to express what we want to express, songs, poems. You get the point, the sky is the limit.

There are thoughts that should not be thought, and feelings that should not be felt. They form a drowning sea that will take you, if you let it.
Write to Express; Not to Impress
Rule #1.... Never post anything you didn’t mean to say.
The Rule
"Think before you type."

Easy to keep in mind but others do not mind. Try to think of the reaction that other people may concluding in reading your blog. What if your entry may hurt others?Would you like that? You should be considerate enough in writing your blog. You should assume that others might be thinking that they're the one whom you're referring to.
First things first. What is a blog? A blog is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.

Monday, August 31, 2009

next attraction

Three judges* will select the top twenty blog rules from the three gem sections. These rules will then be posted next Monday, September 8, 2009, 10 pm.

The panel of judges will be composed of one well-known local journalist, one English teacher from the INHS-English Department, and yours truly.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Blogging is great for reaching a wide audience. The larger the audience, though, the more likely you’ll draw the wrong kind of attention. Flame wars, lawsuits, bad PR, angry real-life relations… your blog can get you into all sorts of trouble. Even worse, the more popular your blog becomes, the more often you’ll have to deal with this sort of negative attention. Thankfully, there’s one hard and fast rule you can use to keep your blog from getting you into needless trouble:

Never post anything you wouldn’t say in person.
It may seem simple, but it works in many different situations. Just imagine that the person or people to whom your post would be particularly relevant are going to see it. Complaining about your school? Assume your principal and classmates are going to read it. Reviewing a local diner? Assume it will be read by the owner. Criticizing a fellow blogger? Assume he or she will read it.

What’s the point of it all? The point is that many bloggers become so engrossed in standing on their personal soap boxes that they forget others are listening to them. By taking the possible impact of your post into consideration, you’re less likely to say something inconsiderate or offensive. Others may still take offense, especially if you’re saying something negative, but they’re less likely to retaliate if you phrase your remarks politely, the same way you might if they were standing right in front of you.


Assigned Work:
Create one blog rule for EW! 4 blogsites and support it with a two-paragraph explanation (answer the question “why?”). Post this in your blogsite. “One-sentence, one-paragraph” style is not allowed.
Deadline: August 22, 2009 (Saturday), 5pm

Friday, August 7, 2009

Welcome to the not-so-beautiful EW!4 blog (not yet)

I know; I'm late. Sorry for those who checked this site after 8 pm and found nothing but your blurry reflection on the monitor. So, here goes the same list of instructions I've posted on your bulletin boards this afternoon:

For the first part of your long exam in EW!4, follow the given instructions:

1. Go to this link: or go to after 8 p.m. tonight for the direct link.

2. Do the following before answering the questions:
· Research on the literal meaning of the word/animal “kiwi”.

3. Answer the following questions in essay form: (minimum of 3 paragraphs /maximum of 5 paragraphs; don’t forget your introduction and ending/ apply EW format)
a. What does the video tell you?
b. Now that you know what kind of animal a kiwi is, what is its connotation to you? What does it remind you about? Can you cite an example or similar experiences? Please specify.
c. Can you site other things/ actions that symbolize something? Tell us what those symbols may stand for in your personal and student life.
d. What are your reactions after watching the video? Have you learned something from it?

*Email your essays with your names to on or before August 11, 2009, 7 p.m.
*Early birds will get succulent worms, while late ones will eat dust. PLAGIARIZE @ your own risk.

Good luck!